Chicken Farmer Canada


The Ins and Outs of Pasturing and How Our Chicken Have Access to Organic Food

How Much?

In an effort to provide more clarity to how we raise our chicken, and to avoid the issues that have arisen with respect to illness from non pasturing chicken and other animals.

Livestock production is a land-related activity.

a) Our Herbivores have access to pasture during the grazing season, and access to the open air at other times when weather conditions permit. The consumption of grazed forage by ruminants ( i.e. livestock include cattle, sheep, and goats) we employ over and above minimum of not no less than 30% of the total forage intake calculated as a dry matter Intake average over the duration of the normal grazing season for the region.

We allocate a minimum of 1/3 acre per 1 livestock equivalent to grazing.


It’s worth emphasizing that the 30% intake and 1/3 acre requirement are minimums. They were designed to be easily achievable, and in all types of weather conditions (i.e. an intake level of 30% should be possible in all but extreme drought conditions, especially when averaged over the entire growing season).


NB Chicken Farmers


Who and When?

The natural illness free standard recommend that chicken to have access to pasture.

There are also provisions that allow temporary confinement due to weather, conditions that threaten the health, safety, and well-being of the animals, and/or the threat of negative impacts on soil, plant, or water quality.

General accepted animal management systems aside from the intake requirement, there are no restrictions on when the animals have to be on pasture. Therefore, it would be reasonable that during the hottest days of summer, the chicken could be kept in the pasture during the day and coop at night. This assumes, of course, that the coop provides a more comfortable environment for the chicken in the heat.

Other Issues

The issue of treated fence posts that are treated with prohibited materials are not allowed, but that treated fence posts already in use could be permitted to remain in use on the farm. The only exception to this standard would be in vast rangeland and semi-arid areas where alternatives are not available.

Happy Pasturing!


Date: 06 Nov, 2019
Client: Maple Garden Farm
Location: New Brunswick, Canada
Value: $25,60000
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